How do I enter for an exam?
To enrol for the exam, click on any of the Book Now buttons or simply click here to fill in our online booking form.
To enrol for the exam, click on any of the Book Now buttons or simply click here to fill in our online booking form.
Our exam music is copyrighted and may not be copied without permission from Rockschool. However, candidates may photocopy any music you are going to play in the exam to eliminate page turns. The photocopied music will be taken by the examiner at the end of the exam.
The price of an exam varies depending on which grade the candidate is taking. View the full list of exam fees here.
Yes. Every candidate is required to have their own book for the exam. This can be digital or hard copy. Please find more information on local retailers and our online shop here.
The exams are held over two sessions per year. View the exam periods and closing dates here.
No. We work very hard to always offer every candidate the most convenient date, time and location for your exam. If you are unavailable on a particular day within the exam period please let us know by emailing
Exams are held 7 days a week. Please note that this includes school days, weekends and school holidays during the exam periods.
Yes, we will try to fit you in but we can’t guarantee it. If there is less than one month to the exam a fee of NZ$20 will be charged.
You can contact Rockschool New Zealand (which is managed by AMEB in Melbourne) at to make any changes to exams. Changes to exam dates will incur a $20 fee.
We give a minimum of four weeks’ notice before an exam. If candidates haven’t received confirmation from us four weeks before the end of the exam period then please email us on as a matter of urgency.